Art Festival Viva La Vida! A Life of Simple Faith!

The annual art festival of the university was held on April 26th. This year’s theme, “Viva La Vida,” translates to “simply live life” in English. The event began with a welcome speech by Founder Yonggyu Lee, followed by a tambourine performance by female students. The YWAM (Youth With A Mission) team from Taylor University in […]

Union Hall Construction Works Launched

On the March 8 2019, the ground breaking ceremony of Union Hall has been celebrated at the campus site, with the presence of JIU fellow workers and the related guests from PT. Wira Agung Mandiri construction company Indonesia. The 5 story tall Union Hall building which is targeted to be completed in the end of […]

JIU Signed a MoU with Handong University

In February 2019, JIU and Handong University signed an MOU and decided to collaborate on mutual development in education and mission fields. In particular, by agreeing on the progress of the JIU-Handong Global Management 2 + 2 program, Indonesian students can have more diverse and better educational opportunities. We hope that students from both schools […]

개교 기념 테이프 커팅
Established JIU College of Economics

The first department of Jakarta International University (JIU), the Department of Accounting, was approved by the Minister of Higher Education of Indonesia and will open on September 4, 2018.  I would like to thank all the JIU families for their support and interest in the past six years. During the first semester, 30 new students […]

JIU Establishment Project is Stepping Forward

JIU establishment project is stepping forward to build next-generation leadership in Indonesia and to serve these peoples. Until March 2018, the JIU College of Economics was reviewed the final documents, and in May, there was a visit to the JIU Campus by the Ministry of Higher Education. We are currently preparing to recruit students, prepare […]